Latest01.20.16happy #NationalDJday to all the #DJ 's and #Crews 🎧🎶 homage to all you DJs individually & crews that paved the way for all of us. ✌ #DJlife
09.27.15RyC represented & spun for Team Starwood Hotels, during the 2015 SF SGK Foundation Race For The Cure & Breast Cancer Awareness event #SGK #KomenSF #SGKfoundation #RaceForTheCure #BreastCancerAwareness #Pink #PinkParty
07.24.15Congratulations to Len & Diana! Thank you for allowing us to take part in your celebration of your faith and love.
06.13.15Congratulations to Alainna & Gerald! Thank you for allowing us to take part in your celebration of Love.
04.29.15 UpdatesBig Birthday Shout to our favorite Twins! Jerica & Edrica! Happy Birthday Ladies! Have a great one!
04.25.15 UpdatesBig Birthday Shout to our very own DJ NTAK! Happy Birthday Bro!
02.10.15 UpdatesBig Birthday Shout to Rob Gonzalez aka RiTH-MiK! Happy Birthday Bro!
02.09.15 UpdatesBig Birthday Shout to Asia! Happy Birthday Girl!
02..08.15 UpdateBig Birthday Shout to our very own RyC! Happy Birthday Dude! Have A Great Day! @djRyC
10.07.14 Updatehello everyone! it's been a minute since our last update. anyhow, we'd like to introduce you to a new vendor/friend of ours. you need sweets for any occasion? check out Sandra's Sweet Side
Sandra's Sweet Side petite desserts for all for all occasions. for inquiries, menu offerings and pricing, contact: [email protected] | 415 637-8452 follow Sandra's Sweet Side on social media: facebook: instagram: @sandras.sweet.side 07.12.14 UpdateDJ NTAK on a solo gig in the Monterey Peninsula for a special christening/party event.
06.20.14 UpdateRelay For Life of Daly City Event Date: Saturday, June 21-22, 2014 Event Time: 10:00am Event Location: Westmoor High School - Sport Stadium (131 Westmoor Avenue, Daly City, CA 94015) Contact Us: Clayton Koo, at [email protected] donate now towards a great cause, follow link below: 06.13.14 UpdateHelp our very own RyC, Scyther, NTAK, friends & family reach their goal as Team nRG as they raise funds w/ American Cancer Society Relay for Life for cancer aid & research to fight cancer. Any support & donations is greatly appreciated. Thank you 06.09.14 UpdateHappy Birthday SHOUTOUT continues w/ big shouts to our dear friend Garry! happy birthday bro! have a great one!
06.02.14 UpdateBig Birthday Shouts to one of our dearest friends, Happy Birthday Myrnelle Dizon!! Have a lovely and blessed one!! #happybirthday #hbd
05.26.14 UpdateBig Birthday shout out to one of our own Richard Gomez aka Scyther.
Happy Birthday Bro! 05.22.14 UpdateHappy Birthday SHOUTOUT continues w/ big shouts to our dear friend Gerald! happy birthday bro! have a great one!
05.11.14 UpdateBig shout out to all the mom's in the world, married mom's, single mom's and even the single dad's that have to be both roles and doin' it right.
Happy Mother's Day!! #appreciated 05.10.14 UpdateCongratulations to our very dear friends on their engagement, our very own Scyther aka Richard Gomez proposed to his long time lady, Myrnelle Dizon, finally! #lol #justsayin. He put a ring on it, she said YESSS! #engaged
04.29.14 UpdateApril Month HappyBirthday SHOUTOUT continues w/ big shouts to our dear friends GiGi & MaeMae, have a great lovely one ladies!! #TWINS
04.28.14 UpdateApril Month Happy Birthday Shouts to April, Joice, Ms. Thuch, Coach Rex, Dj Orion and Monica. Have a blessed one!!
04.25.14 UpdateWe'd like to give a special birthday shouts to Rowena and Thanh, happy birthday ladies! have a lovely one. And HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO OUR VERY OWN dj NTAK aka Nelson Ursua!!!
02.10.14 UpdateHappy Birthday to RiTH-MiK! have a great one bro!
02.09.14 UpdateBirthday shouts to one of our dearest friend and past birthday celebrant. Happy Birthday to Asia! have a lovely one!
02.08.14 UpdateHappy Birthday to our very own RyC aka Ryan Cristobal, well wishes and have a great one!
10.23.13 UpdateRyC's 8th installment of JUST 4 KiX MiX is now available for free download on Mixcrate. follow link below to download >> JUST 4 KiX MiX 08
08.17.13 UpdateHAPPY BIRTHDAY SHOUT TO OUR VERY OWN JUGGL3R ake Reggie Alcalen!!!
05.26.13 UpdateHAPPY BIRTHDAY TO OUR VERY OWN SCYTHER aka Richard Gomez
04.18.13 UpdateUNiQUE STYLEZ AnB's Scyther & RyC on the 1s and 2s @ MINK Bar & Lounge Friday Night 04.19.13.
04.16.13 UpdateJust added a few new items in our gear inventory. A brand new 6-channel light bar that will be perfect pair with our base mobile DJ package.
03.25.13 Update03.13.13 UpdateUNiQUE STYLEZ DJs is offering a great summer mobile DJ rate special for your next Summer Pool Party. [Learn More]
03.07.13 UpdateIt's Official! We are back! Our newly re-designed website is complete and finally up.
03.06.13 UpdateUNiQUE STLEZ's competitive Mobile DJ Rate have been simplified and posted. [Learn More]
03.05.13 UpdateSummer is coming! Stay tune for our South Bay Pool Party Special Rate.
02.25.13 UpdateUNiQUE STYLEZ can now accept major Credit Card payments for Mobile DJ Services. We can accept VISA, Mastercard & AMEX.
02.21.13 UpdateOur new redesigned website is 90% complete. We have a few more details and information on few pages to be complete and we will be announcing upon completion. Stay tune. Thank you for your continued support.
02.09.13 UpdateThe Aquarius event at Fort McKinley friday night 02.08.13 was a humbling success. It was a pretty nice reception return for DJ NTAK and RyC on the 1s and 2s. On behalf of the birthday celebrants May, Fred, Emilio and Ryan, thank you to all that came out, partied and supported. See you at the next one.